Introducing the Pk contestants

Video By: Julia Nguyen

Behind The Scenes

Video By: Fritz Obungan

My Journey

My Journey

ThroughI AM”

Phở King 2024, the journey through "I am..." was an experience I will never forget, and I wanted to share my experience with this theme and how it has also shaped myself and A Flick By Nick.

Since graduating high school and moving to Seattle, things have been a little hectic to say the least, but as with most things it was just transition period. As I write this, I'm just finishing up my second year here and about to head into my third and final year of undergrad where I can officially say I've learned a lot. 

As friendships come and go, classes get harder, and as time somehow moves faster and faster, the one constant I am always trying to figure out is who I AM (its cheesy I know, sue me). 

As I slowly figure out this life I found out its better to be who you are, rather than acting how someone thinks you are. Everyone has a different interpretation of you: good, bad, and everything in-between so might as well be 100% you and stick to that and you'll find your people. 

I've implemented this into my life, and now ingrained this approach into the core of A Flick By Nick  by embracing this idea of "I Am" in every picture I take.  I always believe the best pictures were taking when you feel total confidence in who you are, and I stick with that every single session. 

With that being said, enjoy this little recap of my portion of the show and learn a little more about it!

- A Flick By Nick 

About “This Is Me”

Once hearing the theme of the show, I knew this song was going to be the one. I've always loved The Greatest Showman soundtrack and have always wanted to dance to it but never got the chance.

This song represents the resistance we must go through when trying to be who we are. We're all not perfect, we're all not the same, and we all are not going to allow others to stop us. 

"This Is Me" was a combination of multiple styles combining my own contemporary and ballroom choreography with Jazz choreography from the amazing choreographers Brian Esperon and Hamilton Evans.

When first trying to come up with the choreo for this dance I was struggling, so I resulted to everyone's' best friend: Youtube. That's where I stumbled upon some of the choreo by Esperon and Evans which inspired me through their choreography which I decided to use along with making some of my own for my own personal touch. 

This dance personally was so fun and challenging for me, and I just hope you all enjoyed a good time watching!

About “bullies”

When creating the idea for this skit, I couldn't help but take a look at my own childhood and remember experiences that made me question who I was and how others interacted with me. 

Growing up as a shy introvert who was a dancer, I always felt like there was assumptions made about me especially when I told people I did ballet because it was "girly". I remember the looks other classmates would make at me and was a reason I would hide it from people. 

I'm so glad I got to collaborate with these guys to create (in my own opinion) a hilarious skit that meant something to all of us in our own way. It may not be dance for all, but I feel we all have that one or two things that we hide from people in fear of being judged. 

I hope this skit serves as a reminder to those who hide a part of themselves for being judged to just go out there and be yourself.

 Trust me, its one of the best decisions I've ever made. 

My Titles

Mr. Phở Dặc Biệt

Mr. Phở Dặc Biệt

Mr. Phở Dặc Biệt is the Runner-Up title for the pageant , and even though I was not crowned Mr. Phở King I still loved every moment of the process and all these others guys that were with me the whole process.

I’m so proud of seeing how all 10 of us grew together through this experience, and I am thrilled to sit behind Kit as he was crowned Mr. Phở King. It was a tough competition, but I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving of it than Kit himself!

Mr. Bò Viên

Mr. Bò Viên

Mr. Bò Viên is the Top-Sponsor title for the pageant, and I was awarded this title for bringing in $3,200 towards the community so this pageant could be funded and have funds to donate to our Community Philanthropy Project which was the Rock-Paper-Scissors Foundation to help bring arts education to under-funded families back in Vietnam.

Being apart of this amazing community through VSAUW has led me to meet so many amazing individuals with such diverse stories and I’m glad I could be a part of history to make this event a success. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated to make this all happen, and I know in the future with all this support I can also help make a difference in the community.

If you or any organization you know is holding an auction that needs gift donations, don’t hesitate to reach out and I may be able to donate a session towards your cause!

My Pho King Brothers

Brian Cao

kit Nguyen

Eric Phan

Alex Uong

Nicko Espiritu

Kirby Nguyen

Ricky Le

Frank Ton

Fritz Obungan